Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Flaming Lincoln, Part 2

So apparently C.A. Tripp, the late sex researcher whose recently published biography of Abe Lincoln alleges that Lincoln was a homosexual, may not have been as meticulously researched as it could've been. Or so says Philip Nobile, once co-author of said book with Tripp, in an article he published in the Weekly Standard. (Note that the Weekly Standard is a right-wing journal, so I'm sure they have no bias about homosexuality, especially regarding a Republican icon.) Basically, he claims that Tripp was setting out to prove something he already believed, and like any fanatic he made the evidence fit his beliefs. This so upset Mr. Nobile that he refused to finish working on the book with Tripp. Nobile is also upset that the finished book apparently contains material he wrote and Tripp continued to use, without his permission, after their partnership ended. Does this mean Lincoln was not gay? Like the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie pop, the world may never know. Although "tootsie" is kind of a fruity word, so maybe Lincoln was gay after all. See, I just proved it. Where's my honorary doctorate?


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