Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Winter Driving Tips

It's snowing like mad here today (OK, not like mad, but it's coming down pretty thick), and I was thinking on the way to work of a few tips I could pass on to anyone who was interested, a few things you should definitely not do while driving in the snow.

1. Look at your new shoes to see if the snow melting on them is messing up the leather.
2. Admire the pretty pattern the melting snow on your rear windshield makes as it refreezes at the bottom.
3. Flip through your CD book trying to find the perfect music for the moment.
4. Daydream about playing blisteringly heavy rock to all the hippies at Woodstock and really blowing their minds.
5. Driving 20 miles per hour below the speed limit with a line of cars behind you when you're only a couple of miles away from the office, you jackass!

I hope these tips help you as much as they didn't help me.


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