Tuesday, January 04, 2005

So Tired...

I woke up last night about 2:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. Usually I sleep pretty well, but once in a great while this happens to me. With me, it has a lot to do with foreknowledge, the ability to plan and think ahead. By thinking about and ultimately fixating on the knowledge that I have to get up at a certain hour and knowing how tired I will be if I don't sleep, I catch myself in an unenviable feedback loop, where the longer I lie awake, unable to sleep, the more nervous I get, thus imparing my ability to sleep.

Eventually I did go to sleep, but it was only a series of micronaps. I drifted off several times only to snap awake after an unknown but depressingly short amount of time.

I tell you this, my humble reader, because I am still caught in this neurotic cycle, unable to do much other than fixate on my own weariness. I shall undoubtedly break out of this spiral tonight, when I'll be too tired to do anything but sleep, but until then...


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